Terrorists use Facebook to recruit agents

So while the FBI is using Facebook and other online networking tools to help catch fugitives and find missing children, terrorists have decided there may be something in these sites for them as well, reports Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz.

Recently, Shin Bet (Israel’s equivalent of the FBI), issued a warning to Israelis telling them to be cautious as there have been attempts by terrorist groups to recruit agents via Facebook and other social networking sites.

Hezbollah on Facebook

Shin Bet reports that there have been several recent incidents in which Arab terrorists have attempted recruiting with direct online contact or by arranging seemingly innocuous meetings with “friends” they make online.

Leaking classified information over the Internet is not brand new, as Shin Bet in the past few years has interrogated and tried numerous Israelis for just this infraction. The security service said in a statement that they “fear classified information may have been leaked, endangering the lives of Israelis who could be enticed to meet abroad with Internet contacts who have offered them deals.”

Apparently, terrorists looking for recruits trawl sites popular with Israelis and aim especially to connect with soldiers who have served with covert units of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Recently, an Israeli Facebook user was approached online by a man identifying himself only as “a Lebanese agent.” He offered the Israeli money in exchange for classified intel. The Israeli notified Shin Bet and cut off contact with the alleged agent.

Shin Bet has advised Israelis to remove all personal information from their profiles, whether they be on Facebook or other networks. That means no email addresses, phone numbers, mailing addresses or even birth years. Probably not a bad thing for Facebook users in other countries to take heed of as well.

What’s next? Hezbollah following people on Twitter??

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