Just about everything about the CIA is classified – including its budget – but occasionally we get a little insight into how it’s spending its money: This week, the agency announced plans to pour millions of dollars over the next five years into improving intelligence gathering techniques, technologies and communications.
Number 1 on the agenda is …
While in other countries, government places limitations on businesses to help protect citizens’ privacy, China seems hell-bent on doing exactly the opposite…that is legally enforcing telco and internet companies to spy on users and disclose private information to the government.
Indeed, China is on the verge of passing a law that would require telecommunications and internet …
It’s no secret that refugees from North Korea’s oppressive government are streaming in droves to South Korea, looking for a place where they can speak freely and find enough food to subsist on. But we bet you didn’t know that every refugee seeking a safe haven in South Korea gets screened and interviewed by intelligence services …