Dan Gordon, from the Sleep With One Eye Open intelligence thriller series by Haggai Carmon operates as a lone wolf. He gave up a promising career with the Mossad when one blown cover relegated him to a desk job for life. Now based in the U.S., he works for the Justice Department, gathering intelligence, recovering assets and following elusive trails around the world. His assignments often overlap with matters of national security, so he’s no stranger to collaborating with the CIA…and using his Mossad training to get out of very sticky, often deadly situations.
From SleepWithOneEyeOpen, comes the Dan Gordon Spy Club. Go ahead. Snoop around. We promise no one’s watching…
a poison pill used by operatives to commit suicide.
The Renew ad company has been using technology embedded in trash cans to measure Wi-Fi signals emitted by Smartphones to follow Internet users across the Web and into the physical world. Looking like normal recycling bins, with a display screen showing news updates and advertisements; they are located near St. Paul’s Cathedral and Liverpool Street Station …
The GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) in the UK, demanded the return or the destruction of the Guardians’ Snowden files. They were acting on behalf of the British government, citing that the use of lasers by foreign agents could monitor conversations in the room.
The Guardian had secured the files by insuring that they were never connected …
All over the Middle East, birds are being arrested. Saudi Arabia caught and detained a griffin vulture with an eight foot wingspan, while the Sudanese government detained a white pelican and an Egyptian vulture. There have also been arrests in Iran and several of the Gulf States. And now, in Turkey, it has happened again. After …
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