Roxana Saberi, the Iranian-American journalist from North Dakota who was recently sentenced to 8 years in prison in Tehran for espionage, went on a hunger strike on Tuesday.
Her father Reza appeared before an Iranian court yesterday, where he was questioned about Roxana’s strike, but what he shared comes as no surprise. She is refusing to …
This Friday, April 3, the United States was accused by the Russian state television channel Rossiya of using its only air base in Central Asia as a cover for a big espionage operation whose focus is China and Russia. The accusation came with the teaser of a documentary about U.S. intelligence ops at Manas base in …
On Wednesday, legislation with the purpose of creating a new federal advisory position – with a direct reporting line to the President – was presented by two U.S. senators. We know what you’re thinking…doesn’t the President have enough advisors already? And how is this at all relevant to the world of espionage?
This is how: The …
People have expressed concern that the Obama Administration won’t pursue Islamic militants – the likes of whom were responsible for the 9/11 attacks – with quite the same level of aggression employed by the Bush Administration.
But given recent events and endorsements, it doesn’t seem that Obama is giving up on Bush’s War on Terror, per …