By Daria Carmon
In the wake of the exposure of a Russian spy ring in the U.S, Russia’s Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has begun a campaign against the man who is supposedly responsible for the failure. Aleksandr Poteyev, a former Russian intelligence officer, has been accused in Moscow of betraying the spy ring and faces up …
By Daria Carmon
Several months after Iran’s nuclear facilities were hit by ‘Stuxnet’ a vicious computer virus, senior government official Gholam Reza Jalali has confirmed that another computer virus, this one borne through the Internet, has been aimed at Iran’s government computer systems. Jalali, head of an Iranian military unit that combats sabotage, alleges that the …
The only person to be released out of a trio of American hikers arrested in Iran in 2009 while accidently crossing the border between Iraq and Iran has been subpoenaed to return to Iran for a court hearing this May. Sarah Shourd, a UC Berkeley graduate, was released from a prison in Iran last September on …