The United States will soon deploy a breakthrough unmanned spy plane over South Korea capable of supplying more thorough observation of military goings-on in North Korea. Stars and Stripes, the American military publication, reported last month that negotiations were underway with the South Korean government for permission to fly the drone, designated Global Hawk, close to …
A faculty member of the Central Police University, Wu Chang-yu, was detained on September 30 by Taiwanese authorities amid allegations that he passed on information to Chinese officials pertaining to Chinese dissidents, pro-Tibetan independence activists and Falun Gong adherents in Taiwan, all groups designated as “terrorists” by China. The professor’s detention has come under significant deliberation, …
By Daria Carmon
Mohamad Anas Haitham Soueid, a naturalized American citizen of Syrian birth who resides in Leesburg, was indicted by a grand jury earlier this month on suspicion of supplying information on protesters in the United States against the government of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad, to the Mukhabarat, the Syrian intelligence agency. The protests are …
The suspected “House of Commons mole” Katia Zatuliveter, must press her fight against deportation from England before a panel having as one of its members Sir Stephen Lander, who once headed the elite British intelligence agency MI5, and remains a prominent figure in the intelligence community. Ms. Zatuliveter had been a House of Commons aide and …
The crash of an unmanned American spy drone in the Somali port of Kismayu during the final weekend in September points up the increased U.S. covert activities in that country of late. Kismayu is known to be an al Shabaab stronghold and the native rebel group connected to al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for downing the …