A film festival concentrating solely on espionage cinema is now underway at Zeughaus Kino in Berlin. “The Celluloid Curtain: Europe’s Cold War in Film” presents rare and widely unknown spy films from Iron Curtain countries. The festival was created by Claudia Amthor-Croft of the Goethe Institute’s London chapter as a means to observe the 50th anniversary …
This Friday, April 3, the United States was accused by the Russian state television channel Rossiya of using its only air base in Central Asia as a cover for a big espionage operation whose focus is China and Russia. The accusation came with the teaser of a documentary about U.S. intelligence ops at Manas base in …
We all love the thrill of James Bond, but if your fascination for the world of espionage extends beyond the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, you’ll want to check out the Israeli Academy Award winning documentary – The Champagne Spy. It was released in Israel in 2007, but it was just screened in Montreal for …
Starting next month, diehard James Bond fans will have good reason to pay a visit to the legendary spy’s home country. On April 5, 2009, the Bond Museum – situated in England’s lush Lake District – will open its doors for the first time.
It was avid James Bond paraphernalia collector Peter Nelson who came up …
This just in: Turns out Angelina’s role in spy thriller Salt (to be released in 2010) may be inspiring husband Brad to take a stab at the espionage movie genre from a production side. News on the street has Pitt’s production company, Plan B, teaming up with Paramount to adapt author John LeCarre’s spy novel The …
Nothing quite like spotting sexy Angelina Jolie pretending to be an undercover agent on the streets of Manhattan. Last week, the actress was seen dangling, barefoot and a little bloody, from the side of an apartment building in Washington Heights, New York.
Of course, she was in the middle of filming for the new spy flick …
The movieland rumor mill has been turning at warp speed yet again, this time getting every Slumdog Millionaire fan out there (and heavens knows there are a lot of us) signing up to purchase über-advanced tickets to the next 007 flick.
That’s right, tabloids and e-zines on both sides of the Atlantic had British director Danny …
Can’t get enough of those CIA agent spy dramas? Well, you’ve already got something to look forward to in 2010, when Columbia Pictures’ espionage thriller Salt is due to hit the big screen. There’s already been a lot of chatter about this movie, and it hasn’t even started shooting. Filming’s due to begin on Long Island, …
Don’t be put off by the title – this film has nothing to do with giving birth. It’s Summit Entertainment’s latest action thriller starring Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning; it opened in theaters Friday 6, 2009.
Quickie Summary: Paranormal agents touting powers like telekinesis, predicting the future, creating alternate dimensions and eliminating rivals without so …