A 24-year-old Texas beautician was arrested on July 15 after trying to smuggle three night-vision rifle scopes into Russia aboard a JFK-Moscow flight in March. Although rifle scopes, which allow riflemen to see more precisely at further distances, are widely available in the U.S., exporting them without a license is illegal.
Anna Fermanova, born in Latvia …
The Pentagon has just announced plans to spend $400 million on developing a huge airship that will hover 65,000 feet above the Earth for 10 years. The blimp, if launched successfully, will monitor the movements – via elaborate radar surveillance – of vehicles, planes and even people.
Werner J.A. Dahm, the chief scientist for the Air …
Some military experts believe that weaponized robots are the future of warfare, but the stealth element is never far behind. Enter: Robotic Spies.
The BBC reported yesterday on the unveiling of the UK’s new stealth surveillance aircraft. The plane, built by BAE Systems, is a UAV – an unmanned aerial vehicle – and goes by the …