Prison sentences for Americans in Italy CIA rendition trial?

In Italy the trial against those Italian and American agents believed to be involved in an alleged CIA rendition operation continues. The Italian prosecutor has requested of the court that each of the 26 American spies being tried in absentia receive 10- to 13-year prison sentences.

The court won’t rule until late October or November, but none of the Americans have been extradited, so no big worry there. The issue comes later, when they want to travel and have been put on Interpol’s international wanted list…surely working undercover for the CIA would afford these people better post-op protection?

Hassan Mustafa Osama NasrNot necessarily. All sorts of anti-terrorist measures taken during the Bush administration are now coming into question. The actions of people who followed the instructions and example of their superiors are being re-examined. Does the kidnapping and subsequent interrogation of the Milan-based Egyptian cleric, a terrorist suspect, fall into the same bucket? The Egyptian, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, who claims to have been tortured and held for years without charge, was a terrorist suspect and is still facing charges in Italy for being involved in terrorist activity.

Although none of the Americans are facing similar charges in the United States, one defendant sought immunity through the US court system and has not been successful in that endeavor to date.

In addition to the Americans on trial, seven Italians are also implicated. Three don’t have to worry because the evidence against them is inadmissible – too classified to go public. (Weird concept, hey? Saved by sensitivity). The remaining four Italians were not so lucky, and they too face sentences of up to 13 years in prison.

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