U.S. getting soft on Cuban spies?

On October 13, 2009, U.S. District Judge Joan Lenard will issue new sentences for Fernando González, Luis Medina and Antonio Guerrero, three members of the Cuban Five spies. The latter two have been serving life sentences and González, 19 years. They were convicted in 2001 of acting as unregistered agents of Cuba and espionage conspiracy in their attempts to infiltrate U.S. military bases.

Cuban Five protestMid-June, the U.S. Supreme Court chose not to review the case of the Cuban Five. The five spies were trying to get their convictions reviewed on the basis that their trial should never have been held in Miami, where anti-Cuban-regime sentiment is pretty strong.

By refusing to review the case, the Supreme Court allowed the previous court’s ruling to stand, which meant the convictions would remain, but the length of sentence for three of the five spies would be changed.

So is the U.S. getting soft on Cuban spies? Depends whether you think spying on the U.S. should get you stuck in prison for life…

image courtesy of sun-sentinel.com

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