Israel plotting to kill Hezbollah leader soon?

Senior member of Hezbollah Nawaf al-Mussawi says Israel is plotting to assassinate Hezbollah’s big chief Hassan Nasrallah, and that Israel’s planned home front drill is really a way for the country to get ready for the retaliation they expect after the killing.

Hassan NasrallahThe home front drill referred to is the third in a series of exercises held since the 2006 Lebanon War. They’re calling it Turning Point 3 and it stands apart from its predecessors in that it will involve mobilizing the whole country. On June 2, the drill will culminate with a nationwide siren directing the entire population towards safe rooms and bomb shelters.

Al-Mussawi said in an interview with a London-based pan-Arabic newspaper that Hezbollah is not taking the exercise lightly. They believe that it is somehow related to Israel’s intention to kill Nasrallah with the help of its allies.

Meanwhile back in Lebanon, Nasrallah addressed the Lebanese on television, saying that although not confirmed, the drill may well be in preparation for “a new and unexpected war.”

He said that the drill “gives the impression that Israel is preparing for a security or military attack on something, and assume that this aggression will lead to sudden and unpredictable reactions.”

Israeli diplomats said Nasrallah’s accusations are false – just more politicking on his part.

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