One Truth Prevails for Wii in 2009

Following in the wake of the wildly popular anime TV series that came to the US from Japan in 2004 is Case Closed: One Truth Prevails for Nintendo Wii.

The premise of the TV Series ‘Case Closed’ (or ‘Detective Conan’ as it’s known in Japan) is as follows: Young detective Shichi (Jimmy) Kudo is administered a supposedly fatal drug, but instead of dying, he finds himself in the body of his seven-year-old self. Adopting the moniker Conan Edogawa, the now-prodigy Shichi investigates the clandestine group that drugged him and generally gets involved in a Sherlock Holmesian bringing of criminals to justice. His motto? You guessed it – “One Truth Prevails.”

Detective ConanCase Closed the video game was developed with the same manga style cartoon animation and is supposed to both challenge and appeal to a young audience – so, yes folks, this is a game for kids around Conan’s age. It’s due to hit a gaming store near you in Q2 of 2009 (courtesy of Nobilis and Ascaron Entertainment).

Chock-full of mini games and spy gadgets (think wrist watch stun guns, solar powered skateboards and a voice-manipulating bowtie), kids at the Wii’s helm navigate Conan the child detective through crime scenes, helping him to put together and make sense of the evidence, so he can bring criminals to justice.

image courtesy of

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